Chimes of the changing times | Ep. #010
The chimes of the changing times are everywhere, can you not see the changing lens?
Welcome back to the real inky trails fo another week. This is chapter seven
Chapter seven: Chimes of the changing times
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In the beginning, the squares were there, warring against themselves from that morning, right after the dark leftover nightly disaster, it was tribal war, more like, survival for, …survival for what?
For this, and for that. Because, man needs food to stay fat, and to stay alive by the fireside and have the eyes peeping in on the boiling pot.
So, for this cause, they would have had to strive, trying to find the next little morsel to get stuffed into the next leather parcel.
They would have tasseled. Hard heads breaking bottles. But the sun was to come shining out again, and warring families became best of family friends again.
Could be the end of the innocence for all of them from over on the foe falls, or worse hence, the end for all of them in the stall, or even the whole sum of them put together to crawl.
But, as for you, and as for him, the king Larry too, he even slid over backward and fall. But the war fever was yet in their vein leaver. Spells death and destruction for the other insane giver.
The lusting was to now come busting with righteous religious crosses trusting, and then they would have crossed the continent pastures, and that was when Kingsley would have been crowned king faster, and by men who were there warring with him mere moments in. no jesting.
But that was then, that was before the sun was to come shining out again. Now it's still not okay, but as for some of them. That very same one even, it's raining mainly hay. As in the hay day.
Kingsley would have heard of it, heard of the magic which Bungy had nicked, he would have heard that the other squares over there were whoring for profit, and finding plenty and to spare of it. He would have known right away that this was his big hit.
He is back now at that place where he can get back all of the bakes, you know, that bundle of money which he had once got and which would have become wasted waste.
And which he would have lost when comes the frost and then the dark. And all of those months and days of him having to stay locked up inside of the corks. Which was to turn away his fortune tide past.
So, now he must go back and get it. Get it out of the very pocket, out of the pockets of those others who want it.
But they who wants it, are also those who know that, -if they are to go out and get it, they had also got to give it, well, let me try and say it a bit better so that you may understand clearly the letter.
Those squares over there on that place there where they are in the new estate on the bare, they may be there looking up at flying eagle's stare. But this new place won’t be bare nearly as long as theirs were yearly in the dawning years.
They wanted lots of things to get done and do and lots of money to make them too, but, they are people who know the queue, they know that, for them to be able to go on and make all of the lots, you know, like, the whole lot of money which they want to be funny.
And be able to get that all got, you know, it’s like this. If they are to go out and get all of that, the money, the much money which they envy, then, they are also going to have to go out and spend the little penny which they have got if any.
But there are many of those with the little penny in the pocket of the denim. Those little such may turn out to be quite a lot of much for them in.
Kingsley would have clutched at his luck. And then came the rushing windy bus to go get the things which they want to crush, like, like, the things which they want to crush the most, in order for them to get their cut of the much-much toasts.
As it was to be revealed, they, those maverick squares over there in the bare fields, and on the new bear land not to be too bare anymore. They wanted laborers for the fields for sure.
Bingo, now, watch the king go, and the rest of them too, there they go. Riding the flow off of the winds upon seafaring tides. Now, hop on and let's go, let’s go for a ride.
They would have gone to where the thieves usually go to play you know, he has got this in his back pocket flow, with them having all of those ships, and them now knowing the gear shifts of how to rock it and go get to it and get it back to them quickly quick. This is certainly going to be it.
And as for all of that money which they, the other square men there already got the itch, aching and itching away to go out and spend it quick, they are willing to spend a lot of that in order to have for themselves the much more which they want and lack.
Kingsley has got it, the things which they lack from the locket. And if he doesn’t have it yet, he definitely knows how to go about and where to go to get it, you bet. Yes mi fren, my friend, my good friend is back in town again. To put you on...
Hay! Enough of that man. Now carry on.
That was to be the best of times for Bungy and for his men kinds. And also for kings of the Kingsley times.
It was the culmination of a number of things, which would have brought about the current sinting, wasn’t it something?
Something was not going to be sitting well, nor settling in well with some other well-positioned well thinking thinkers. Not after the arrival of those bearded drunken drinkers.
Squares would have gazed out across the waves and across the sea, and his eyes were opened up to see what lies out there across the deep, all those possibilities for those who dare to come and see, or go over there to keep the bee, you know, to bee-keep, and to stop from being thieves. Like, to be there and working. And they did, Bee. No skylarking lurking.
He was not sitting there on his own apron strings, like was the custom with the other man, he who was there wash wiping his hands after he was done with stoning the wind. And with platting sand, as was his custom. No.
Got he himself up off of the bib, and go chop down the trees that was very big, and did yet more digging gigs, making canoes, boats and shoots, shoots for ships very big my youth.
Big enough for man to live on the inside of it, all-inclusive. Cute! Cute.
Living on in there for months and years, on the average voyage there, across the deep, to where the others keep the lives lived. And they did.
While other guys give the bad-life a sifting sieve, thinking that that was the must-have life to live. Nice. Go on, live it up, yeah! Go lively up yourself. And…
After they had was to up and fight, and in fighting, they would have won the right to control their own destiny and might, they wanted to control everyone else's too, even me and you, and in a fist tight.
As for that man, the squared one and his clan. He doesn't sleep, never did learn how to dance his feet. He has two left beats when it comes to the dancing feat. But as for his head? Vibrant.
Vibrant is the name he has a brain, so he is up there thinking again, but not so when it comes to them, Lars and his kind friendly friends? He is out again too, out to entertain. And more vain. Woooh.
Bungy was a master at what he was after, and a cutting edge buzz at what he does. Until he didn't bother to do it anymore, and that was because he would have learned how to dot the I’s and burn the crisscross crossing the crosses and get others to do it for him while weaving netted links and channels, all engineered from the top down to the crown hill.
He would have gone in and counted his brothering’s gowns. After that they would have come to him sit down, the answering to his from higher up callings, calling for them to come and sit with him, just to chat and throw some talk around in the rings.
So came they to him, all of them, seven, eight, nine and ten. And then, he would have proceeded to drag them in, into where afore-times they had hardly ever been, like, like in front of him.
They loved him, yes, but such brotherly love was for the best, and for what he did and would have been there still doing up until the final morning, doing it for all of them, in making them out to be better than all of the rest, if for no other reason they would have loved him, that thieving. No, that wasn’t him. I meant to say, that Bungy Stevens.
But sure, they did love him for some other real-life seasons too, some such as, like, for making it rich and famous for each of them Amos, as it was his promised to them, to pay the rent for his loving parents, his mother chief chiefly was the intent.
Since it was his own scent which would have sent her away when she had was to up and went.
Bungy himself did not have much further to go on either, other than to go the way of his beloved mother, as well as to go the way of each mortal foe teaser, toeing the way home. His brothers also had was to do some goings and comings of their own.
They had was to turn and go back home, to lay him low and down and then. They would have been gone again.
But as of now, they are there standing in his presence square, and pretending not to not like it there, and trying hard at denying, oh Lord, denying the look locking itself up upon the staring chord, it was not in the eye and not be shy like he had thought them how not to lie.
But they did. This time they all lied. The stare was slightly off to one or the other side.
Bungy was wise beyond his thighs, he'd belied the years my dear, but really though, how did he ever get to become that quick on the wit? He was the last of them, but first class to all of them, when it comes to the knowledge thing.
Sat them all down and took to town to school them on the real things which were worth the knowing, in the worlds of knowing.
Clowns were then crowning the times. Time to take a sip of the wine. This time was his sign, time to go out and cast out the fishing line, and he did. And then, when he was done, he'd send them out everyone.
To go conquer the world and then beyond, and everyone who lives thereupon. And so it's been from then on. The world is his own and his beloved home, all of it, no intent to quit.
Even though he had was to go way before their time was o’er. His brothers were to continue on, climbing up the ladder plan, but. They would have shuddered at the thought which he had gathered.
Each of them would have to go. Out there where he was about to show, like, out where he was to show them now, to go. Peeping out now from the frozen window, he is showing them the pointy finger ring instruction will not linger.
“Now, each of you will have to go. Out there into the wide-open world, hmm, you know, to go and learn how to know, hmm, all of the deeper knowledge and things profoundly fitting for the carriage, hmm, “it’s like this boys,” he would have said this across the long strings of his bungy eyes, hmm, you must go out there and gather the things which are worth knowing, hmm, and bring it back home to toys.”
They were glad to know that they were sent to go, and for more reasons than one, and for none such as he would have had in the mind of the pan. But he would soon be dead and gone to bed.
“At least,” they would have said sadly sad, one to the other nag, saying it while on the sob, “at least we won't be having to bother to look up upon the face of our beloved brother -beloveds. That alone is worth every dollar bill of his.” Still sobbing, even harder, and over the chuckles and sub-terrain laughter.
But really though, they truly had loved their baby brother, just couldn't stand to look upon his bladder there in the space, you know, the space which was there, upon his face, yeah! Like, like. Upon his big disgrace.
And all of the ugliness of the place where parts were hanging above his waist, and below the leg too was bent and bowed, and wobbly so.
So, after he had was to up and go, and sadly so, they all were happy to leave and go, even though they still loved him so. Oh no, not so.
Would have much rather it if he was like the other kitty cat kits, each and every other the whole world over the saddles and bits, but he was not. And what was to become of that?
Speaking of the others and the world over. There were others, others over there brothers, other than for the squares and even Circulars. They were the men in the moon. Chopping sticks and click-clacking spoons.
That must have been the place from whence they'd loomed. Good for us and them in the noon, probably, when the end would have boomed, again we say, probably.
Bungy's men would have gone out, out and about into the rest of the rout. The world at large would have known no doubt that the clan was out to wipe them out. And to learn and gather, and to bring back the other. To make him to become their very own. But not as a brother as it is known.
So, they did go, and they would have brought back what they would have learned, in order to teach others of their very own, and then trickle it on down to become the greatest and strongest of the kingdoms yet.
Trampling up and down upon the other guy’s neck, right there on the other guys' own doorsteps, even. They would have gone with a purpose in the palm, and mining the minds of those other kinds, to learn and master all of the kinds, and the contemporary norms to find, and of the knowledge in the arts, the sciences, and crafts, as well as their every cunning design.
And to bring back reflections of the customs, the religious beliefs and practices teach, of all the people whose seats are in the east, and in the west of there and wherever they may go best of years. That was how they would have come to know, and that which they now know has served them so, like so well. Even unto this day but, what the hell.
That's it for today, my friends.
To be continued with, Ch. 7b. Be on the lookout for Ep. #011, coming soon. Don't forget to subscribe to this website to be notified on posts. and also, subscribe to the youtube channel, like and share, the youtube channel is at, iis4inkytv. for vids such as this, thank you. Go get the elk's book and others on my bookshelf.
“Power is not given, power is taken,” UN General Secretary, -Antonio Guterres. So, Go on, lie to me. Tell me you are worth saving. Again.
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