What's going on? | Nothing going on but the inky trails, ep #008
Things were always happening on one side or the other. Things such as these, which are about to unfold in chapter five of the inky trails book one story.
Here is chapter 5 and episode #008
five? : Happening on the other side.
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over there the squared men tried, things were also happening on the other
siding. No, not that far of a glide in, so as to reach over by them larried
Lars tiding.
At least not yet. It was somewhere over there, somewhere over
the rainbow where there had earlier landed some other squared toes. Squares who
had themselves became aware that life was fair, very fair as a matter of fact,
for those who would have dared to fare. And to act.
So, they would have dared, and disappear from over there, from
alongside those other squares who were really akin to them, and would remain
the very best of friends, even to the journey’s end.
But, this was just in the dawning of their waking up morning,
there will be yet many a storm to be forming, and sunny days for them to be
warming, they were to warn the company doing the farming, before there should
come the calm, and yearly ears of corn.
Speaking of corn. This is the norm. To be reapers of corn, there
need to be keepers of barns on a fertile farm. Now, this is where visionary and
shapely bearded men get the stem cells called -stamina.
“I'm coming right on over,” said Bungy and his unfriendly
soldier friends, you know them, not really his “friends” as they pretend, but
his followers, they would have been following for the allowance which they were
allowed, and all of the others too. They were more than just the brotherly
Well, it was not all of them who were doing the saying, Bungy
did the say and the sending, but it was his brothers and the others who were
amended to be able to pay him, you know, like, paying the necessary attention
to him, and to obey, and surprisingly, they did, they obeyed and went in.
Inside the house, they went to see him, and then into the ships
and out on the sea, to see whatever there was to be, that was how they would
have found and brought back the tea, and then came the p, as in people,
including him on the vehicle. Yes, him too, the Larried king Booboo, well, not
really the king.
He himself did not come in, at least not yet, but, he did get in
onboard the sailing shelf, and would have enabled them to go in and sell self,
as in, his people belt. Everybody was doing the sell in those selfsame days,
hell, even those who were buying was buying just to be trying the selling
thing, in order to bump up the golden pot and welling themselves off, off of
the wealth swelling sin.
So, that was how it would have started. But then, Kingsley would
have wanted, you know, like, wanted in on it, he wanted to reap what he had
previously planted, and what Bungy would have watered.
And that was when the king would have sent messengers in, those
men who were sent and who would have gone in to fetched the Bungy fellow thing,
yeah, that would have been them, and they would have brought him in, to stand
before the king, yes him, the Kingsley king in command, and the new way would
have been born. And then, back to those gods again.
Gods of the dead.
Who are never really dead, just moved on up in the featherbed
and was to flee fled out of there, and then further on to much more power and
strength, to enable them to serve those who love and worship them.
But then. Squares would have hopped right on in and all over
them, right there and then, well, you know him, -that squared faced man, he was
going everywhere.
But it was not for the lack of fear why they were there. He was
actually shaking down there, you know, somewhere down below the spare legged
tare, and hanging off of the other half just overshadowing the calf.
Oh no, not the cow in the pass pastured and eating grass, called
up and often barbed wired in and cordoned-off, but.
He had been walking away from the very place where they would
have barely let him say “lay,” and left him with breathing breath in the
bagpipe piped in and to stay, as in, in, like, staying in and hanging on in
there, and stay on the outer course, and get out of their coast where he had
swayed off balance.
And all the while not sparing a smile, which was known to clown
the tumbling down of the fierce wrath, which comes oft from the tried tested
and proven men of the cloth, over on that other side of the great divide,
before he was to get sent, yeah, Lars was to be sending all intruders there off
to the other sided sphere.
Like, to go back over there. So, the squares were buoyed, but.
They were sort of, nearly destroyed. And what for? For having taken one wrong
turn on the way up, upon the quest to come in into the deaders hut.
They would have known right away though, that they would not,
like, they would not want to stay too long a time in their region, and among
their kind.
That would have happened when squares would have looked up at
what there was to be, and would not have liked the eyes which they had turned
to see, or more like, where eyes once used to be, and the more than enough
bone-headed bones of jewelry, worn there, upon those lars bodies, honed and
well-toned, and in what was the custom over there, in Lars Territories fair.
It was the customary ways over there for the people to worship
and to wear, I swear, they would wear the boned remains of departed ancestors
as in, as in the skin and upon the vein.
No jestering sinting things, like, like teeth and small bits of
sweet toe toes did meet up with the feet, of those who had gotten to lived very
long and notable lives but... But then came the rut.
As for the greatest and chiefest of the elders, and even those who
aspire to be leaders, and just as much to live long and get to be elders, they
would have worn the bone on the roundups, while out and about doing the rounds,
the boneheads of the elders who are dead, worn right there upon the top of the
fire head, of the headship of their kindred.
Squares would have seen this when he had wondered in unfit,
unprepared was he, and was scared stiff out of his barbed bearded wit, quickly
he would have disappeared. But.
He never did go to where he really should have veered, like, to
go away, ever to stay. But like everyone already knows, that squared thing,
that never goes away thing, never did, he never goes. At least not far enough.
Like. Into forever –Mutt.
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They were there at the meeting in the square. In an airtight
room somewhere over there, discussing boom for them, but gloom and his friend
doom for the other men. Chiefly for the circulars den.
“I want all of it,” he would have dit and said it, and they
would have laughed. They all laughed at this, but as for him, he wasn't
laughing at all, he was as serious as serious could have ever been –Paul.
But they couldn't see any of it with him until they would have
seen them, you know, those other men, as well as seeing themselves fitting in
somewhere in there, and in their respective place among them, like, like
decades later, centuries even for some of them crop takers.
That though, all of that would have been starting off at that
very evening when he would have claimed all of it, for himself, and for them,
from Larry, forefather king of Clem, and Elezar, and Clemson, and… yes, and
from all of them others around and about him, from the whole circular messing.
And he did claim it for all of them, and for his children’s mouth motoring.
But for the most part, you know, all of that claiming? It was
still hidden from the heart, like, like from the hearts of all of those who had
already been claimed. Like, from those circular lame, for instance.
All that was left for Kingsley to do was to follow through, and
to go on out and stake the claims upon that which he would have claimed from
you, and from them.
And to make it known unto them that, although they did not yet
know how things were about to go, in no time everyone will come to know, that
their time had come, and that time was, to go.
And as for them, as for those Larried gentlemen, and as to how
it pertains to their children going forward from then. And what was to be left
of them, they would have become nothing more than bigger beggars and staring
away from the header and looking forwards towards the nether end of them, and
of all of their beggarly begging children. But they didn't know that either.
Just a teaser.
That was then though, this is now.
To be continued with, Ch. 6. Be on the lookout for Ep. #009, coming soon. Don't forget to subscribe, like and share, and also go check us out on the youtube channel at, iis4inkytv. for vids such as this, thank you. Go get the elk's book and others on my bookshelf.
“Power is not given, power is taken,” UN General Secretary, -Antonio Guterres. So, Go on, lie to me. Tell me you are worth saving. Again.
We are now getting into the real meat of the matter, never mind all what you might have missed before, try not to miss anything from here on in. Subscribe, like and share. And please, give us your feedback, thanks.