Old men, gods, and Kings. | Chapter three, Ep. #005
It was a story of power, yes, about how some men were to have it and prosper, while others would not.
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...The old man, no, not that one but the other old man, he is older
than all of them, and would have been around long enough to have seen all of
these and other such happenings.
So, the tasks would have fallen plumb onto him to do the
records, and for telling the stories. Stories such as these…
Gods of the wind
They were great to date, those very gods of the eight, you know
them, the eight winds, four and four more of them, you want to have them on
your safe side, especially if, and when you are seafaring folks lied, like they
were. No, not the liars, but the other, the seafarers. They were all seafaring
men over there.
You are doing okay having the wind at your bay, on the backside
of the deeps, don't ever stay, don't let them have to come back-up upon you,
nor up against the glides of morning dew, like they did do unto those other
Who? Them, look, look at them, I’m a-pointy-fingering at them,
those Rhues. You know, they are those who did not love, serve nor worship who?
That would be them, -as in those gods, true? True.
They were the mighty gods of the wind. But as for them, as for
those other men! Upon their coming in, the gods would have driven them hard and
fierce, and they would have ended up upon the pierced, you know, like, upon the
piercings of the nose and earrings, and they would have turned around to hear
the rings ringing on the herrings, and then tried playing scarce at the
doorstep of the Lars space. Not knowing that that was the region of those
peoples most fierce, and home to the very people who love and serves them, yes
them, those gods.
But for what reason, I would have asked him –my dad? Because.
This one bad, I cannot ever seem to be able to comprehend. But then again.
It was a story of power, and still is mighty to shower, you
know! Like, like how we’d like to shower you with the wonders of how some men
were to prosper, while others will not, you know, like, like, will not prosper. Yes man, the struggle
continues on, just like
it is said by that Rawpa Crawpa man, yeah! And based upon the facts.
It’s about those who have it and those who want it. And of
knowing where and how to go about getting it. Or not knowing a thing to quit.
But as for them? As for the squared ones.
They would have come right on in. Riding square upon the very
same winds. Whoring for ore, and to raid the store.
Lars would have seen them come, way before they had landed plumb
out there on the shore, and would have summoned up the blowers, one two three
and four her.
Spread now the news, go tell it out there on the mews, tell all
of them, go, tell the mighty foursome winds and all of each one's in-between,
and that was to make up the eight of them.
And so went out the hissing stings, the whistling whim of the
whirlwind and she would have pointed the fury square at him, and at all of his
squared gentlemen, those who were coming in with him, they never did know what
had hit them, other than the mightiest of rushing winds.
They were to come still sailing on in since that would have been
better than to turn their backs to the wind, and they would have made friends
with Clem, and with those other circulars folks around the bend, good for them,
but bad for Clem in the end. But it was not for their lack of friends why they
had was to go to attend, squarely, they were studying lars, and that was to
cost them dearly for, you know, like, for giving secrets away, as to how they
speak to the wind and causes winds to obey.
And then, squares were done only when he was done at mutating
them, you know, the almighty gods of the wind. And would have given something
else in the place of them. Oh, how hast thou fallen oh mighty godly winds?
The reins of Larry Kings Get it on Amazon
“You are Right Zar,” said the golden old-end kingly aid to him,
under his breath there upon his bed of death, for a king. …You are right, you
are a Lar.
Meanwhile, from over yonder far, those two inquisitive were
there peeping in through the bars. And eavesdropping. Here they are.
…That’s him? “Yeah! That would be Elezar,” he is the chief and
king who would have looked out and over far and would have seen them and the
way they are.
They did come in from yonder far covered up in all of that tar,
and the dusty ash leftover cigar. Piled up high there in the tray registrar.
They were looking forward and far. And yet further ahead of the
gar it would seem. And they were running too, but not to join up with the dream
team crew. They were running away from their own kind of a Kingsley kings’
blue-blooded hue.
Well, he wasn’t king yet. Was just out to steal and to get
whatever he could get, things to eat and the family’s food, you bet.
Look …They are talking again, “look, look at them, he is talking
to Edgar,” look, there they are, the aged king and him. “Yes, He is the head
bar dear, the King’s protector and armor bearer too.” “…that’s him? That’s Edgar?”
“Yeah -that is Edgar.”
Still standing there at the end of the bed bar where you know
who, or somebody else, old or new, somebody will be laid out dead in no time,
No matter what’s the spread. From a jack to a king under the
crown upon his head, hidden away there and hiding still, hiding away from Blue
blood bled. The blood which was already spilled as said.
As you already know, Larries thirst was avenged squarely upon
Kingsley’s thread. But then again. Back to the story now, and as to how and when
it had begun.
It was due to the storm, and to the darkness which was brought
on, they had not seen anything the likes of that before, nor has it ever
happened over there again, since.
They were really worried, and not knowing what it was that was going
to be happening to them, and to the thing which they wanted to have cooked, and
And then, then came the others, wanting them to share all that
which they might have had left over there with them, which wasn’t much to
begin. And they weren’t even asking but was forcefully taking, like, like
taking everything away as if it all belonged to them they.
So, right away they knew that they would have had to leave and
go, go away if they were to live and survive the day. And that was what they
They would have taken to the high seas. Under the darkness of
trees, and aided greatly by the darkness storm, which had been what caused the
whole situation, -the alarm, to begin with.
Larry King’s men were out doing their route. Yeah! He was King
at the time, yes, Larry would have been king long before all of them, those
brutes, yes, those squared kingly fake friendly mess.
It was in the dark of the night, just coming on to daylight.
That was when Clem and his men were to first catch sight of them, coming in
upon the waves and driven by winds.
The Larry King was ready, ready for the fury, ready to bear it
down upon them like the clouds from the heavens dory. It was Clem and his men,
Clem was young then, and very strong. Along with his mighty men of war with
their spears and bows and arrows to spar.
But, there was no need to hurry, they were coming in rather
slowly, just a tiny group of folks who probably had drifted off course and
would have been desperate for help, rather than for stealth.
“So, come on in my friends, come right on in, in your tiny
sailing thing.” Said the Larry King to them, well, it was his son who would
have said it when at the first he would have met up with them. And no, it was
not really to them that he would have spoken, just said it there among his
friends who would have grunted a chuckling laugh with him.
The squares were scared when the darkness would have cleared,
scared to see that there on the banks, was a mighty army, weird, they would
have sworn sweared, staring upon the sight of lars standing there, with sharp
pointy weapons pointed squarely up at them and theirs, and dearly, right there
up under their beard, eerily.
The white flag was to go up, and trembling legs buck. As in
buckled. “Come on in into the Larry King’s kingly types of welcoming,” said
Clem, more chuckles.
That was how they were to come in into the spheres of Lars and
their kings. And was to spend a whole solstice span there with them, but then.
The day was to come when other squares were to pass by again,
coming in from the cold with tidings to them that the storm had passed and the
warring had ended.
Time for squares to leave the lands of Lars where they had
landed, and be gone again to their own place in the rain far and back-handed.
But that wasn’t to be the way how the story would have ended, because everybody
knows it by far. They never stop when it comes to the war.
Lars are Lars and squares are squares.
While they sojourned there in the land, those squares, they
would have built up strong ties with the Lars over there on that side, and the
relationships would have carried on over periods which were long and wide.
Until the times of Kingsley King ii. By then, you know, by then
the relationships between all those squared and shapely folks had softened, and
they were becoming friends and brothers again, and met up with each other
Not that it did put a taw of any sorts on the relationships of
hearts between the Lars and the new-found friends, at least not that visible as
it was to come across to them easily.
But, but everybody knows that blood is thicker than milk, and
stronger than even silk.
Most definitely, it is thicker than a palm full of Larries’
drinking water and mixing it in with the silt. No, not now, wait until after,
to get in the laughter? Now, move along, faster.
Now those wondering squares, and the Kingsley King of theirs,
they are so tight now that, not even a light from outside of a dark night can
seem to get in between them, and certainly, not such weird a thing as a Larried
And although they had sworn to remain the very best of friends,
to the very journey’s end. That was then but, this is now.
And as you and everyone else already know.
Some men are like cows, they never go, no matter how hard you
may drive them. And there are others yet who, just like them, were
found to be in need, like in need of surgical lens.
Can't seems to see very far in front of them, yeah, that would
have been him -that said Elezar, yeah! The said Larried king and his sunny
suntan children, so they say, so says all of them over by the bay. But, are
they? Not really, if you ask me. He was not one such man. To be fair to him, he
wasn’t always that way, weak and sickly as he is today, he was known to say and
do powerful lasting things to pursue, and working wonderful poetic words to
And his father before him too. Yes, Clem, that would have been
him. He was not one such man as the rest of them.
But as for the squared, one could have sworn scared that he was
offended. Offended to be named among them there as friends did, when it all was
to come undone and would have ended, and when all of the others were to find
themselves pushed out and forced to be gone from there in the end and he was
not to be given the chance to choose for himself whether to stay or to go, and
insults like those are not to be left unattended.
What had happened was this, because of the friendships which
were between those two long established.
They were now made able to cross the great divide going to and
fro. And that squared one, as you already know, he doesn’t play fair and
definitely, he doesn’t go slow, at least not when it comes time to step down
hard on the other guy’s toe.
So, by the time the Lars got around to be looking back in the
cars, the squares were filling up all of the space over there in the back
seats, and in the bars. The choice places to be fair even from afar.
And playing the role as boss over even King Elezar’s assuming
things which they should not have been. (I know, sometimes one has got to take bad
things for a laugh, yeah! even with him.) Even though head squares
and his Kingsley squared, they themselves were not in there.
Do you hear what I hear? He was not yet there. In a hundred
years from this day though, there will be squares and those Kings of theirs
sitting in the chair of King Elezar, by then though, he, that said king Elezar,
he will only be remembered for being the longtime king of the mighty circulars.
Place a bet on it and then go dice the spar. Because everywhere
where his feet trod upon in those times, that’s what he would have done, he
would have been claiming it as his very own.
But there was one Lar who knows them afar, and who was different
by a scar, he did know enough to have known that he did not know a thing nor,
even two, or twenty-three trees, go on, go out and count them…, oh no, don’t
bother with that my friend, let’s carry on with the other everlasting
ever-after offerings.
So, he was to purpose it within his knees, to go out and learn,
and to copy the already established normalcy. And try to learn, what he could
earn or even that which he could not burn. And he did learn. And then…
To be continued with, ch. 3b. Be on the lookout for Ep. #006, coming soon. Don't forget to subscribe and share, thank you. Go get the book and others on my bookshelf.
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“Power is not given, power is taken,” UN General Secretary, -Antonio Guterres. So, Go on, lie to me. Tell me you are worth saving. Again.
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