The meet-up. In continuation of chapter seven, (ch. 7b,) ep #011
That meet up there was to be the last time that all ten were to be meeting up again together, all together in one open playpen of beloved brotherly brothers.
Now we continue along with chapter 7b![]() |
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That meet up there was to be the last time that all ten of them
plus a dead one were to ever be meeting up again together, all together in one
open playpen of beloved brotherly brothers. But they were never really apart.
Just walking the path, and engaging with the world in the
smarts, and studying the arts, and the girls, and the crafting and the pearls,
and the artisan, and all that could be canned they would have canned.
They did can the candy man and put him in a tight-lid can, and
constrained him therein, and then stained him, and estranged him from his
mainland unto a strange one, and another, and then yet another, never to get
back together with his father, his mother and with his brothers ever again.
If things like these were ever to have happened in a real
civilization place, like in the place called, Earth estate, the human little
piece of dirt escape.
The outcry would have been so deafeningly great that they would
have had to turn and change that situation very quickly, like, quicker than a
broken pocket someone was caught returning a bixi.
But, luckily for us, this is only now happening in another dusty
dust bin born out of some fool's wild imagination station. No mention. Now,
carry on with the Bungy song.
Bungy is now dead and gone, died there upon his bed of corn, the
brothers would have heard of it, and had was to turn around and come back
quick, his soul to seek. Had was to see to the Crip basket and the burial
Their ten heads were hanging low, as the mock tear liberally
flow. If you were there and let's say, you did not know. You would have been
led to believe that they really did give a cup of teeth to Bungy's closing off
of the eyelids.
Speaking of eyelids, theirs were heavy, heavy under the levy as
they were pretending to worry as to how brother Bungy was in such a hurry,
hastening to leave from among them and go.
But, the truth is the truth, and it did show up the youth man’s
toe. Pointing upward and higher than it ever had before. As almost touching up
against the lid on the Crip door. So, there he goes. Showing off the rows.
And then, they would have lingered like, like another ten
fingers, go on count them. One, two… nine and yes, ten. Bungy was not, he was
dead and gone from among them, flat. They were staying over there together, but
for the last time again, ever.
They were to run up headlong into one another's song again, upon
several worldly bordered occasions too to spend, but, never all together on the
same one-time span.
And never did they ever lost sight of the leger from whence came
the instruction to them, from their beloved brother's braided head brain, as
Carefully crafted instructions as to what they should go out
there into the world's spheres and do, for him and them.
And that they should do what he had told them to do, and would
have said, before he would have been dead, and gone to bed.
And that is what drove that generation clove, and was passed on
down to their children's glove, and their children after them, those present
cubs, even.
Kings may come and kings may go but as for the Bungy and his
men? No, they never majored in the go-slow part of the show.
The Stevens household had become the cornerstone gold, upon
which kingdoms are built and told, and kings come to reign cold, on such we are
Strong pillars of modern society are laid down upon them and on
their shoulders pretty, in that world over there properly, and which was
over-run by those same Bungy's men and sons, and their Kingsley squares too,
who would have come to join up with them and partaking squarely in the
scavenging scums.
They are still in there, and still in command. In that outer
world of a place called, Kingsland.
As for the circulars ones, whatever happened to them? Not much,
nothing other than for tough luck and for biting the dust as they must.
Decreed by Kingsley king's kindly and timely trust. And would
have been aided greatly along by the Bungy one, before he would have bitten the
dust, way too soon for them and surely, not for us.
So, Bungy's men would have gone out, out and about into the rest
of the rout.
The world at large would have known no doubt that the clan was
out to wipe them out.
And to learn and gather and to take back to the others, all that
they would have learned in order to teach others of their very own, and then
trickle it on down to become the greatest and strongest of the kingdoms yet.
And yes, all of this would have been happening, right there on
the other guys’ own doorsteps
They would have gone out with a purpose in the palm, and mining
the minds of those other kinds, in order to learn and master all of the kinds,
and the contemporary norms there to find, and of the knowledge in the arts,
science, and crafts, as well as their every design.
And they were to bring back the religious beliefs as was the
prescribed feats and practices teach, the customs of the people whose seats are
in the east and in the west of there, and wherever they were to go best, not
anywhere nearby them though.
That was how they would have come to know, and that which they
now know has served them so, like so very well. Even unto this very day, can’t
you tell?
Something was going on on each continent at the time, or not
going on, depending on which side of the storm you would have hung the rod
Bungy would have looked out over the fog and was to see the glad
bag. That was how he would have tagged and bagged the key, which was limited
only up to what he couldn't literally see, at least not very clearly.
So, he would have hopped up upon his wobbly legs above the knee,
and ventured far and very widely, well, comparatively here is the way we use
the word “widely,” like, in the way how it applies to his knees, one as opposed
to the other. As he was to begin to get very tiredly, so he would have lied and
gone back inside, to lie again, as in down to sleep, my friend.
But then, he would have woke up.
And sat down to view the voids in the world cup, you know, the
game which was going on at the domes over there in town, and then, he was to
turn up the teacup, which was afore-times, turned down.
And then he would have tried to foolproof the Over-proof rum
blings in the stadium and …hey you, yes, you there, go, go sit down over there,
and do some sit-ups too, in order to fill up the six-pack abdominal abandonment
which you lack. Go now go, get it done quickly and then come back, okay?
Anyway, enough of that.
Back to Bungy, who would have sat down again to split up and
divide the tasks which he’d hide in the past, he hid it in his home, yes, but
now the time has come for him to share it all up among the halves of his eight
siblings, divided into two parts among them, and give it all to them, to go
off, along with the other have-nots, to spy out the pied pastures green, and
all of the in between.
So, his brothers would have gathered, and gotten themselves
called up to the bed ladder, or something another, like, like to just sit and
chat with him.
And so came the big fall of the other all. You know, like, all
of them, them as in, those other men. Including them, the Larries den.
Sent them out in ocean liners, to go see what they would find
and things finer.
He was so ugly, yes, that brother Bungy, so ugly was he that,
not even his mother lovely could have loved him cuddly, nobody could have loved
She did live a little before she died, she'd lived long enough
to have heard him cried, and grew on into his inside, and outs. As he was going
about grouting the oats.
And into his wayward ways, and his whereabouts, where he had
gone out to graze by the wayside dazed. Just a little bit bide, by them days.
But, it would have so happened that, when upon his doing the
coming in thing, he would have scared the sheet off of him and worried her to
death, the eventual bet.
But he grew yet, and grow to become powerfully, and mightily
set, as in, in all of the wealth which he would have gathered and get, and grew
strong, and yet stronger, as he went alonger.
Yeah! I know.
Some folks are sure going to argue with you for this. For saying
“went alonger,” hiss. Instead of –along her, probably, they are going to charge
you too. Not me though. I'm a no show. But let’s go on with the Bungy song, the
The world would have had a love-hate relationship with ham, I
mean, with him. Well, with that too, with both of them. Now you’ve got to stop
this, children. And watch this sound.
The kings would have heard of him. And was stiffly scared of the
sin, the very same wind which had befallen him upon the coming in.
At least some of them were that scared of a friend, but not
nearly as scared as they were of being seen anywhere out in the open square,
with him. They were certainly scared of befriending him though. The Bungy
thing, as they took to be calling him.
Others though, others would have sent for him to come to them,
“to make leagues with and to join up with us,” said the said Kingsley King then
in a cuss, that would have been at that time when he had sent messengers in
unto him saying: “The kingdom is much bigger than the little cubicle there on
the hillside over there, and over which you reign in fear, un-sober. And grow
your hair long, and steer your many and varied affairs in the wrong”
“Shur,” he would have slurred the answer which he said and sent
back to Kingsley’s men -the lancers, and forward on to the kingly monster.
Which means in real people language and terms, sure. I most
certainly will, I shall be coming on still.
And went he in through the king’s wide open door, and had was to
be running ever after.
But not wildly as usual, and certainly, not faster, not like
before, no, just running widely wise, staying on the other sided sides of them
and of their wise wisdumb.
According to the way how at the time he had happened to see dumb.
And staying away from them and where they are at, at any time given. Spending
the necessary time.
Peeping in at them, and watching them feeding and eating swine.
Didn't trust them any mind. Didn't trust anybody, nor their grind.
He had considered himself really lucky to have gone in into the
king's parlor dutty, you know, as in, into that dirty palace place over there
in Sutton County.
He was to think of it as lucky it would seem, for him to have
gone in and to have managed to come out again. And was still to be found there
wrapped up in the thin, you know, like, in the thin of his own Bungy skin.
Been counting his lucky stars ever since, and even after thence,
he has been counting.
That was to become one of his favorite pass time things, and
becoming even past her, as we were to be passing off the many times when he
would have just toss them out fast and faster in front of him in lines, and
then starts off a-counting mine.
One, forty-two. More like a toy game for a boy's boy named,
Bungy who, was just a tad lad like you, and one like me too, game he be, and
not that tame you see.
But they are never going to make him stand up in front of them
ever again to pee, you know, to peep back over the shoulder at him, and to see
him peeping back at them there, trying to see whatever there may or may not be
for them to see.
He is Bungy like that, and slippery, and cunning, and not to be
too pretty sure if he definitely knows a thing. Or two, or even four, or much,
much more than me and you put together too to even the score.
His other name was Stevens, right there before his reason. And
in front of that is his Bungy to plunge him squarely into Bungy Stevens. That
poor, poor boy, that right there my friends, was the real reason.
Bungy would have had some brothers, yeah, those brothers. That
was before he had turned around to look at him and would have killed his own
dear mother. That was to have happened in the process of him doing the incoming
thing filing the over-taxed taxi, taxing the tax plan past each and every other
thinking tin man. And that was how he was to become number one.
As for her, she was never the same again, until she was to face
up with the end.
The burden would have come falling down harder and heavier, to
rest squarely upon him and upon his shoulder thin. Before he gets older, he
must see to their future. And that was what he did.
He would have gone out and about looking out for the scouts, and
doing whatever else it was that he did on the routs. Ever after that and after
the offering gig and yet more gigging did he.
All in the effort at enabling squares and theirs, theirs as in,
their king Kingsley. It was a miracle that they had even met at all. Due to the
height of the retaining wall over which he had was to jump and crawl.
Though roads would have crossed the Stevens’ set. They would
have crossed paths with him too, yes, him and the King. And close enough to
have missed each other by split seconds border crew, him and them. But none of
them were ever to have known a thing about those things, and still...
“How comes?”
“What was that? How come you asked my son?” Why was it that
Bungy and the king's men never did cross paths again? A good question to ask.
And since you've now given me the task, let me try to remove the mask. It was
because. Because he was a smart ask me no question. Mi fren, my friend knew him
then. But still. Kill that spill.
There wasn't a will, no need for them to go smoking the weed
still, the agreement was signed good and settled seal, like, like from a man in
need. To another’s greed. No, wait, neither of them was needy buddy bud. No,
not at all. Greed was the only skud. And Bungy wasn't hungry, either, he was
living fine up there, on the meager, lonely? Probably, but staying by himself
humbly and homely.
In the beginning, there was two and three, and then there was
you and me. One would have gone out to try and outdo two and him, yeah!
That would be three, and she did the studies, studying how to
show that she did know, and how things work, and how it was supposed to go.
And she did get things to work for him.
Yes, not for herself, but for him. And they did work and yet
will, like, like, they will surely do his working still.
The other one though, her lesser brotherly flow, you know, as
for him, he went to work too, working for them, working hard at pulling up the
ladder chord, so that he may become able to bother, oh my lord.
And to send his children to school, so that they can study what
that other man had made, and rule, and then they would go to work again,
working for him.
then comes the end of one of them. And one is left here to wonder, which will
it be my brother, friend?
To be continued with, Ch. 8. Be on the lookout for Ep. #012, coming soon. Don't forget to subscribe to this website to be notified on posts. and also, subscribe to the youtube channel, like and share it too, the youtube channel is at, iis4inkytv. look for vids such as this, thank you. Go get the elk's book and others on my bookshelf.
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