"Call to a conference," is chapter six of the book of rules story. Ep #009

This is a conference call from me to you my readers. Come join us here on "I is for inky" and also on the youtube channel, iis4inkytv, where you will find the freshest and most riveting stories you never heard before. And told by the author of those stories, for the most part. Stories such as these: 

Chapter six: Call to a conference.

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They were there, splitting up and sharing the shares. The sharing of the tares as well as the wheat, and all of the treasures which they would have taken from thieves, and the convergence of the conscience was to meet up there too, and the unconscionable was made able. As for the unconscious though, no.

There they are, gathering the assembled and trying to assemble themselves together in the cars, in order to become more orderly, and to become strong and even stronger.
But the assembly was soon disassembled and dismantled, because of the antics of some of the assemble Leighs, those who will not be assembled with ease.
Nor with anybody else except among these, like, like, with thieves just like themselves please, probably. Or with someone else who is more like themselves? Maybe, just maybe. But they would eventually be assembled with some other someones. No matter what will be the outcome qualms.
Especially if and when it may become convenient for this one to be with the other man, and just to suit his own circumstance.
They were gathered there in the square or was it in a squared Kingsley room somewhere? Anyways. They were trying to gather themselves together, to become stronger for much longer.
But over yonder, across the table by way of a pointy finger, that one would have wondered, wondering if this will turn out to be remembered as a blunder, when his interest, just like all of the interest which he would have managed to accrue to himself, and had managed to possess all by way of his smarts, and by incest, sorry, I meant to say, invest.
He had invested much into himself and into his commonwealth, for all of the common poverty which he would have selt. Yes man, sold them a six for a nine every time. And deadly poison too, he would have selt and to the others dealt. Upon the eye scabs of the blind, while taking away the wealth that was thine.
Will it? He would have wondered, and spit. Will it be all taken away and squandered? All under the watchful eyelids of the governors, who are out there selling reparation powder? Even now.
Will their ways and what they are saying catch a-fire and backfire on us to land us in the wayward place, a place and a situation where all that which we have will be taken away, and be given over to others like them, like they are, I mean like, like, to you, and him, and not us, but to them? There he goes, pointing the fingering around in rows, again.
They would have fright-fretted away, and out from the meeting of the assembly. So, even though the squares were there and the cubes too.
I was not there, nor was you, I'm willing to give two bits, or bet a dime on it. On what? On that, that you were not. Like, you were not there.
You are not a square let alone a cube. Every cube is a square, even when cuboids are packed together in a long tube that’s square, but not the reverse sided side where cubes should disappear into becoming a square. Repair would be fair for that said square.
A rectangle won't ever have to ramble, arguing about the mal-handle which he was handed, nor be made humbled and start to grumble about the gift, wondering if it was a mistake that he should have stumbled in to be finding himself a place there amongst them to sit, and to be found bundled up with them there.
So, two are the few that will do if they are triangles, though they tend to fit in better whenever they assemble one with the other.
A line will gather himself with others of his kind, preferably with many others such as thine. And so will be able to get himself in every time even in a straight line but, but there are those “other,” others who were badder, in their bladder, perhaps.
Of course, they were bad, yes, they were badly designed from the opener line of their hopping in time.
They couldn't stand on their own upon a hill sloped down. No, nor could they be trusted to walk and fine, like fine-tune a straight line.
They just seemed to be able to roll downhill and tumble and stumble until, and that is all, all of the time, and all around the ground.
For no lack of rolling around, and a generous liberal dusting of black, and varied shades of brown outside and around, outcast they are and are known.
When seen from afar they are, yeah! You know them, the mighty circulars. Circulars will never fit in it would seem, except for them fitting in, in the kitchen beam, perhaps.
And in the sink. Sinking down somewhere over there, somewhere in the spheres of the squares. And in the bars serving beers, or on a stage dancing and singing and making a mocking fooling something.
Not someone though, not anyone but themselves bro. Hanging on to the shelves. And dangling off of the walls and stalls, stalling the car from starting and doing yet more walking talking telling and entertaining?
Yes, entertaining an idea that he, they, all of them. They like to think and say that they have arrived, arriving squarely on the other side.

Squares are mixing in they lied, and mingling too, and playing on par with the Lars. Progress so far yah mi star. Prosperity ain’t too far. That's it for today.

Note, we are likely to post a story over this and any other weekend which is somewhat removed from the series we are currently featuring, be on the lookout for such, we shall endeavor to make it really great. Thanks. 

To be continued with, Ch. 7. Be on the lookout for Ep. #010, coming soon. Don't forget to subscribe, like and share, and also go check us out on the youtube channel at, iis4inkytv. for vids such as this, thank you.   Go get the elk's book and others on my bookshelf.  

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“Power is not given, power is taken,” UN General Secretary, -Antonio Guterres. So, Go on, lie to me. Tell me you are worth saving. Again.


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