Chapter nine is a slippery pole climb - welcome to chapter 9, ep. 013

Welcome back to the book of rules story, get ready to climb the slippery pole alongside Kingsley men.

here is today's ep. #013. which is ch. 9.
Chapter nine: The caring night of the Knights.

E Lloyd Kelly, author. 
They were climbing up the slippery pole, trying to get up the downhill slope which they were climbing. But, they did not know that that was to be the hidden role.
Rolling the roles that each one would have to eat, in order to meet up with his God’s teeth, and all of the preset goals. And be sold upon who was to be the god, to redeem the soul?
Each man, each person would have approached from divers direction, bearing heavy burdens upon his backside hung, as he would have entered the chosen village, and pay the king's ransom of a toll, in order to get into the king's court, and privilege.
Which may or may not be equal to everything he possesses, and to pay his worth, but he must, in order to enter into the carriage. If not enough, it is in the king's discretion a-lot, and maybe in his discretion only, whether or not he gets in with an IOU offering, to get himself homely and into the town end.
All of this would have been made possible because Kingsley King squared would have not forgotten how he had subdued the nations round about him rotten. And chiefly circulars folks and their kings.
Just like his father Kingsley1 had done before him. And it was now high time for him to gather the spoils and to solidify his grasp upon the reins of powerful style.
He would have given to them, new laws, new rules, and a god to govern them, those fools, governing with a promise of peace, joy, and prosperity, if they will only serve and obey him, and him only, and live by his rules.
His laws and his goodly god entities draw of jack as is, queens, and kings, and all other beautiful things, only.
The only problem with all of that was, the gods could not speak for themselves, well, so it seems, so the king had was to speak for them, and to their help, in communicating the rules, and the laws, and he did write them down to taw.
And so they came, coming in from all walks of life vein, vie vying to save and preserve what was left of their lie lives main, and to worship his gods, since it was made manifestly clear by then in those years that, the Kingsley kings and their gods were a winning team, and they were to drink to his fears.

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Things are really happening now. Trailers trailing behind the hidden cow. Many would have fallen dead in the waiting lines, and never got to see the behind, and get thee themselves lined up there behind him, and in the mind of the king.
The dead bodies would have piled up and rot right there wherever they would have fallen and dropped. The stench in the trench was to become just another of the many delicate intricacies one must need to pass through or to endure in order to gain access to the open door, and to all of the king's many men and more, and one is not even close to getting to see the king himself yet.

Inside the court, those who would have managed to make it that far, he must need to lay down his heavy burdens –the sack bar, containing his every precious and valuable thing, things that he would have got and brought, for, his every earthly possession packed, or.
He must lay them all down on the platforms on the outer peripheries of his chosen or assigned pole storm.
Then, he must need to venture to climb up the steepest of greased poles ladder, after having gone through myriads of initiations and orientations in preparation so to do proper.
This pole which he must climb through is so designed as to make and get him closer to who is to become his God.
And since no one may serve two gods at once, he must need to renounce and leave the gods of his past circumstance, those which he knew and got afore-times past, he must go, get them lost and come back, and that is because he must lose and leave those gods behind him for good. Good.
Very few were those who would have made it halfway up the pole, let alone making it to the top, before they would have dropped and roll, dropping back down dead at the base of that pole as said.
So, the mountain of dead bodies was to grow and pile up high at the base of each greased pole wild.
While the mountain of treasure which was to be accrued to the king’s pleasure, also piled up high, by each and every measure. Or by a country mile.
Because every person must first bring his treasured purse strings in, and go lay it down before the great king before he even attempts to go climbing up the initiation pole thing.

At the top of each pole is, supposedly, where one might find his God –the goal, and then, he will be able to go in and gain access to life beyond life for his soul. Few would have made it that far. And for those very few!
None of them can ever return to his fellow travelers to give an insight as to what is the best practices to get one all the way through, and to get home.
The top of the poles was to be the crossover zones you see, the points of no return, but, it is also the gateway into spheres of the great king, and of his kingdom come, come on over and be free. Meanwhile, the king and his chosen men of valor would have wax mighty, “like if they weren't mighty already,” and rich too.
But there is a consolation for the great many, or even for the few, for those who never did make it all the way to the top of the pole, but who would have fallen dead in the effort as told, right there at the foot of the Polish to a shine pole, squared.
If one should perish in the pursuit there, they are told, there is a day already set from somewhere of old, a day set for some time yet in the great beyond, a place where and when, those very same someones, those who would have dared to believe, roll up the sleeve, pick up their belongings and go seek out the king’s needs, and would have taken him up on his offerings greed.
They, those very ones, will be reckoned to their god, or gods as the case may be, in the reckoning. Well, to the newly acquired gods of the king really, and his kingdom, and to redeem their lives too, and to much more joy, pleasure, and satisfaction unimaginable.
So said the king and his mighty men and the miserable, and this is only if one believes in the king's definition of a Godly sleeve thing.
Which would seem to suggest to someone like me, and him, but not necessarily we, us, and them, suggesting something to the effect that, the unbelievers have nothing of which to be worrying, in order to be free.
But for the time being, bring all of your resources to the court of the great king, and lay them down at the grey feet of the said great king and his carefully selected and carefully trained men.
And then there were those savage and barbarous nations, and their peoples, people who would have dared to defy the king and his one-sided decreed vehicles, and chose instead to keep and preserve their known ways of doing things, please.
This stance would have greatly angered the great king and his peas and that was the last thing anyone would want to be doing in those times, no one wants to invoke the anger of the kings in his lines.
The King would have sent out another decree: forge this day an alliance with me -the great king of kings, serve him and live, rebel against him and die, every last one of you.
From the oldest to the youngest among you, and even the unborn in the womb best of new. And boom babies even would have had a reason. When he was to choose whether or not to stay or leave off of a mother's breast.
Knowing that that was for the best, and to their own lifelong interest, since everybody already knew that this king could, and was known to have done it like he should, or was it, like, like he should not?
Like he should not have done it to others in the past, after knowing all of that, what then do you think that these nation and peoples are going to do fast? When caught boiling in such pickled stew pots?
Well, at least some of them did pick up, pack up and go the Kingsley way to stay. Then there were the lucky ones, those who would have fallen off of the great climbing pole stands, and unto the pile of dead bodies beneath the folding stand, but they themselves would have managed to make it out alive.
Automatically, they were to become wards of the king to side, and was assigned a proxy guardian of the gods to manage them and their affairs, and then, they and their children did serve the king and his kingdom for scores of generational years.
And yet there were others, others who did manage to escape the sword, when the king and his bloodthirsty men would have gone out to make good on his promises to them, to wipe them out, all of them, the rebels to scout.
A few of them did manage to hang on to the breathing breath in their nostrils still, but only by their clever will, and by hiding away in the clefs of rocks, in caves, in hovels in the hills, and holes in the ground, and even in the wet bellies of lakes and the ocean's wake.
Which would have amazed the king’s face, and also his men of faiths, to the point where he would have spared some of them, after that they were found out and got their reluctant legs led in, and for no other reason were they spared the season, none other than to study them and to try and duplicate their methods and reasoning, but...
Whenever and wherever Kingsley and his bloodthirsty men went in those days, be it in the search of the rebels, in searching for new prospects, or just plain out to wipe them out, the devils.
That's what would have happened to them every time –he would have wiped them out, and very cruelly so.
Some Aboriginal or first peoples of some regions as they are called, were found to be mercilessly wiping their slate spick and span in front of that man and his ruthless bloodthirsty clans.
Many of them would have fallen onto the pierced end of the word, seasoned with gall, others only happen to fall at a beckoning sexy call.
While yet others of them were to rise up to callings much higher, at the sight of a smoking gun, and blazing flames of fire. And yet, Kingsley’s desire would not be satisfier.
“So they lied?”
Of course, of course, they lied, those liars.
Oh no! That's not what they do.
Oh yeah! Everyone knows that that is true. Like, like.
Like what?
Like this.
Like, like how they tell me and you about the evolution queue. When we all know in truth, what they are trying to do. Now, tell me…
If they, not we, certainly not me but “they, them,” if they did, in fact, evolved to become something else, or more like, to become someone, other than how it had begun.
Like, to become someone more or less like a man. Out of another brother, or something another, any other for that matter. Like, let’s say, just for argument’s sake, let’s say it was, like, out of a monkey, or any other such kind of a dumb donkey?
Why then, why are there so many monkeys still hanging around this donkey dump heap, and stealing away the people’s food to eat? At what pointed point in the timing scheme, did they start rolling the joint and stop the evolving thing? Or did they? You tell me -Faye.
But. Just a little bit of abutting butter here for the backside of your struts gutter, as you bounce along over this bumpy rut in the gut stutter.
What if, what if that thing which you thought that you were seeing, as it applies to the evolution thing keying in, what if it should turn out to be a curse, and things are really in reverse, and the man was, in fact, the first?
Like, first-class and bigger boss. The bigger bigger bigger boss and it was actually something which he had lost, which would have caused him to taw and defrost, and would have hence, have him starting to disintegrate, and degenerate, and devolve to become like, like a monkey? Solved.
Why the hell does this idea seems to resonate so deeply on the inside of somebody? Could it be? Could it possibly be so? Oh no.
So, that singing coconut monkey thing, clinging on to, or swinging off of the limbs of the coconut tree you see, he would have been right all along? Am I wrong? Now. Sing the song. Yeah! Because this here monkey has spoken his mind.

To be continued with, Ch. 10. And Ep. #014. Be on the lookout. Don't forget to subscribe to this website to be notified on posts and updates. and also, subscribe to the youtube channel, like and share it too, the youtube channel is at, iis4inkytv. look for vids such as this, thank you.   Go get the elk's books and others on my Amazon bookshelf.  

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“Power is not given, power is taken,” UN General Secretary, -Antonio Guterres. So, Go on, lie to me. Tell me you are worth saving. Again.


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