Alone again, in Kingsley's den. Chapter ten, #014

You are about to be blown away by what goes on in Kingsley den. Welcome to chapter ten, and bring along a friend, you don't want to be alone in this when... Buy on Amazon All for one and one for all, that was the way how they crawl, it was the premises upon which they had stood up tall. They had pledged this to each other from the very opener, and for some of them, this was the right call. Well, for at least one of them. It would have served him well in the end, or more like, near the end of him. Or did it? It was to have happened when comes the time. In a little while, it would have been time to divide the looted spoils. Built upon this mantra, they would have ventured out and prospered, even if it was to be for a short while, they would have prospered, and in style. But then, upon one glorious return back home again, with all of the loot which they'd earned and win while hopping and popping out and around in circulars den. There sat them down, readying themselv...