Whatever happened to Clem? | ch. 10c, ep # 016
Welcome back to the trails. the real inky trails. Continuing now from where we'd left off, with chapter ten. Here is chapter 10c.
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He was the real king thing, wasn’t he! Yes, he was noble, and very well-known was he like that, so he was not going to just sit on his backside down at the courtside and watch the wristwatch to see what time it was going about to strike the clock bang, bang, and then sit down back?
No, he was not like that.
There were some things happening then, which would have informed him on many of the current slackenings up on important things, things such as, the state of affairs at it pertain to the present sphere, where his young son -Elezar, was about to be placed in the seating chair.
He would have wanted to know right off of the top of his bow, what was to become of that, now? That would have been at the very time when, he would have seen what was left of them other larried friends, and how they had been fairing.
They were among those who had gone and joined themselves in the pack, to go floating match down the river track. Went and joined themselves up with those squares from over there, and were then seen to be out there, wielding the spear on the quest of slaughtering off the lions and the deer and the birds and the bear and the young millitier.
“Where oh where did you get off of your un-circular not noble chair and would have walked a path to have ended up here, lost, and trying to fit fast a rounded Larried pole inside of a square thing, assuming the square pole could fold?” he would have growled. And then.
“This has got to stop,” he would have spat. And there too, was where the chatting was to be stopping.
The chopping ax was back and sharpening. And whoever was found to be there, and were not Lars, but were found to be sitting up there on top of the front car.
The car which he, that same someone personality, had not paid the proper ransom for in taxes and fees, and from the treasure house of his own forefathers' golden bar, and which was brought in from somewhere over there on the other tar.
And which he would have dragged in with him, when upon his coming in, he would have parred the dice, and paid the fair market price, as was the real value for it, and none the less.
Like, him making sure that no less than the proper market price was paid by him, at that beginning trade day, at the bargain gardening, because if nord. Which would be north of not.
Then, the land did not belong to him flat, and the real owners would soon be coming back, coming in purposeful and packed. And riding high with him, upon the repossession airy wind. Not a thing wrong with sin.
And he would have gone and done it, and would not quit and sit, no matter how hard they would have happened to spit, and he would have gone out and done it, until there was to come the split.
At the beginning of that reparation thing, all Lars roundabout were with him, even in the songs which they were known to sing.
Which did do the magic and served him well to rise up above it, and to grow with the trade winds, to raise him up upon Eagles wings, but then, soon after those times and things would have begun to begin, then came the days of slowing as in down again.
And Lars, strong and mighty all around, men of renown, soon afterward, they began to become missing in action yards and could not be found.
“How is it going, my brother?” He would have asked the eyes of the handshaking other, but brother’s eyes would have bowed over to kiss his slumping shoulder.
Brother King was older, so, he knew the odor of the soldier, would have known that brother now sells boulders to his other beloved adopted brother, who lives over yonder.
He had done gone and crossed over and was now wrestling with the squares over there and with that man's Cobra.
But it's not over until it's over, not as it pertains to this old soldier, and as it pertains to his needs at kneading the dough.
So, he would have reached for her clover, and held her much closer, she was his own beloved larried neighbor, his beloved homeland, in his favor, and he was to fight the plight of his ailing might, right up until there was no more fighting will be left to him there in the money till.
But still. He was to have them killed. But yet, not all of them, they are a people very cunning, always on the running when the hot oil catch a fire in the belly of the boiling pot, and when the heat gets turned up really hot, that squared thing will not be anywhere near the pot to partake of the stew, along with me, and him, or even with you.
He will be long gone far away from view, sending others in to do battle with you, and when the victory is new, and the Victor be not yet renewed, as in strength.
He caught a stink of that other man’s scent to his own descent. That was how Clem went. Never got back up on his feet again after his beef with them, he was spent. Now sonny boy king, don't ever forget the innate wayward bent, he never repents.
He could easily have won and should have, man. If only larried sober was to side with their beloved brother who lives by them on the border, but.
Tuff luck. It was not to be the stop for that buck. It wasn’t all their fault though, why they were faulted on the slope, tumbling down, and in so doing would have gotten him overthrown, you know them, those squared men.
They were all up in there even those who were out of there. As usual, they were in there, doing whatever they must do in order to make it clear to anyone who may so try to do. They thought it all mutual.
You know? If ever anyone should even so much as think a stink thought of such things again to do the sorts.
They would have done such only to be reminded of who is really the boss. And would be quickly finding out what happens to kings, who dared to try and fair it up with him, as in the past. That right there was to be a constant reminder of the wonder-working wares of all those Kingsley kings squares.
Lars brothers would have thrown him under, to get run over by the other, an offering offered up to the slaughtering house of the wolves for a thousand bellies full, full of three square meals a day.
Playing the easy squeeze tease, they would have gone away. Siding with the dirty money pay -okay? Anyway.
Then comes this new day. And one might have heard what those children say. “Now is the time for us to stand up in line, and take back what's really mine.” Have they not seen the sign?
Brother, be mindfully minded of how your forefathers signed dead. And sealed their destiny into perpetual poverty, even to the death bed, don't go about walking blindly, thinking that they will treat you kindly, and fair, and thinking that this is a new day, in the New Year, no, not so.
They won't go slow and allow you to hitch a toe, and get to hop up onto the bike which the man had already spiked to prick you in the dike, even. And not only as it applies to you, but to anyone else who would dare to embrace the psyches, to do anything such the likes as these.
After the retreat of the Lars in the streets, squares were to run headlong into difficulty with the wrong scars, and with warring with Lars who were to be cleaning the toilet bar, and minding the squares babies but, but.
But today's music they say has more dance than University. …oh, what, the university has dunce? Dance, I said dance, not dunce Oh. It's not too farfetched though.
Come to think of it. This could be where they sit. Since, everywhere one looks one is likely to see, seeing them there carrying books.
And taking on the strangest of looks, digesting what their mama never cooks, and dad walks across the cranny and straddles the nooks wondering who had baited the hook, and for reeling him in, into the waste disposal bin? But then again.…
Continuing on, in Larry king’s commands.
It was the times of the kings, they were all there, just chilling. On either side of the den, even. Over there, were the squares and their kings fair. And on that other side over there, there was the Lars.
Just like squares, Lars too and their kings were also fair.
Larry, the newly crowned king of the circulars, those who had long lived in peace beyond the wooden bars. Yeah! That’s them, they were feared, warriors and mighty men. But then, then came the times when, upon the growth and prosper of the civilized man, which he was the very first of them, he would have had to look out and outer, and yet out much further, in order to maintain and to sustain his growing civilization as in the days of the former, and in order to sure up his power. And then, he was to flirt with the high seas. Where he would have run headlong into these, the squared peoples of the northwestern higher seas. And then…
After they would have run into each other there. And started studying one another, well, the one was studying the other. But not the other. Since only one of them was ever known to be doing the studying.
They were brave and fearsome warriors though, as many kings would have come to know, after they were made to pack up and go, like back to where they first bend the bow. In practice. In the snow. But what they, the Lars, what they did not know was that the war was never o’er, as is the norm with the squares, there’s always a war going on where.
If they are not out fighting the battles, they are sitting down and doing the plan. And their victories are not measured with the man, or even with nations, it is worth the entire world, the human habitation, in his hand, so he fights on. Winning incremental victories beyond the scope of your visionary derision.
“I can see,” so said he. In a thousand years though he will be, like, like gone. But he carries on. As if in command.
His children though, down the line low, will meet up with the man’s mind, in their own time, to contend for the sins of their fore father's blind, for not reading the sign.
Now, this the current happening popping the champagne and drinking expensive wine, this right here is that time.
Looking back now, and seeing things. Seeing squared fingers pointing back at he, him, no not at you, but at him, sitting there in the rocking chair and laughing. Yeah! That's what he does, he laughs at the glorious cost of his own sin which he, the other king, had taught, and win. …don't you mean: fought? No, not fought, but taught.
He was done with the fighting, as it was with the talk show thing a mighty long time ago, starting when he was to have learned how to win, by doing the teaching, and the un-teaching, and then re-teaching other men’s sinting, something things, and leaving the fighting up to him, and to them, up to you even.
He sends you over there to fight with spear him mi Lord oh spear him. And to win the victory for him and the glory too, glories which had never belonged to you. But to guess who? Well, who knew?
And now that you're like, you are done with fighting them and with winning and bringing all of the glory to him, in his might.
It's now time for him to do you in, without you even knowing, but he is there doing it all in rights, yeah, right. Yeah man! Like, like you not knowing what had hit you right there, right there in the right eye, sight?
Well alright then. There he is my friends.
He is back to his teaching things again, teaching you to do yourself in, without anyone even knowing. So that none can point a waggy-finger at him, in that blaming thing.
So, he is out there peddling death and destruction set, and being passionate in fashion, and all that is to get, and passing it all off to me and you. Under the guise of laws and rights booboo. Rights to do wrong, not right.
Selling you nasty and deadly sins to eat and bite, dealing death under funny lines and grinning teeth half-white, and you go right along, singing the sweet Swan song, nothing wrong with that yah man. Cause we done dead arreddy, already.
He owns everything around you, controls the media too, tells you what he wants you to do, and you do, until you are screwed, and unscrew, screwing the L off of the bottled brew, like you are always known to do.
Did you ever stop by the gin to do that thing? You know, the thinking sin?
And to know and get to understand how things really are with that man, like, like you do know how things seem to change with him, right? No, you didn’t know? I know. That’s why others are bound to tell you so, even others like me. Like.
A time and a season they say, for everything to play, the times for the building up of you is now all done, so now, it is the time for the other end, the breaking down again. As it is with him, the other man men?
Now, this wonderful marvelous thing at which you are looking. It is the time of breaking down of you keying in for him, under the guise of rights and freedom ring.
One day it is a deadly sin, to even speak some words to him. But on the next sunny day, it would become quite okay for you to speak and to say, saying those very words to him as if to pray?
Not to mention the other new inventions, which is not that much of a news to mention...
Like how you've now got all the rights to go out and do what tonight?
And as for you, and me too, in the meantime, what do we do? Well, let me try and see if I can tell you. Go over there I want to show you something out there …go over where? There, over there, now look at it, can you see? Look, look at it.
We dump our resources over there, like, we dump it on junky spunks we want to wear, instead of on our children’s brain under the expensive extended hair, and with your neighbors just the same. We drink more expensive wine than Mister Norm Francis, drives more expensive cars than Mister Ital Leon, and goes about wearing more gold and bling than that b x thing had ever had in. Oh my lord. Oh my lord, what shall I say to you? Other than to tell you.
Stop investing in his dumpy ardent down your lane. There are those you know, those who are arguing out the name, saying that the two are one and the same.
You know, both of them, as in the dump yard and your brain. Go, go now in your once awesome name, go make a liar out of that mighty vain.
Show them where to go fall the rain, if you Cain, or Able.
Can you make the connection? Does it connect my little pet? Have you seen yet, on what to place a bet?
Go to their schools and universities tool. Learn the rules, they'll teach you fool. They will give you tools and how-to, but will never give you purpose to know how to know for us, nor will they show you where to go for the bus, not at all.
Except for where it is good for them, and for their friends and you playing their balls, majoring in the leagues that’s all, but one thing we have got to learn is a must, we need to learn that, that will never be good for us.
So after you are done with his fuss. Then you will have to shift the focus on to know how to go building up the motor bus, which is going to carry us to our ultimate goals, plus. In other ordered words, built by us, and for us. And then, we may go out and sell to them, the leftovers and the surplus remains.
To be continued with, Ch. 11. And Ep. #017, coming soon. Be on the lookout. Don't forget to subscribe to this website to be notified on posts and updates. and also, subscribe to the youtube channel, iis4inkytv, like and share it too, the youtube channel is at, where you get a visual perspective of the story and hear the author read it. look for vids such as this, thank you. Go get the elk's books and others on my Amazon bookshelf.
“Power is not given, power is taken,” UN General Secretary, -Antonio Guterres. So, Go on, lie to me. Tell me you are worth saving. Again.
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