The windy wind rushing bust, | Chapter twelve #ep019, a wind rush-like story by E L Kelly

The wind rush types of stories happen in other imaginary worlds too, but this wind rush was a bust

Here now, is chapter 12a and episode #019. 
Chapter Twelve: The windy rushing bust.

Picture of the author of the book, and the inky series. E L. Kelly
See Kelly's author's page 
The squares were there, worshipping a prayer. Contented in the abundance of wealth which they had acquired. And savoring the abundance of spare. Which would have accumulated there over the past year.
They were there yes, rebuilding the squared broken mess, after the flaring up of tempers and the tearing down of the old dumpster, and more so, upon the fear of the destruction of the new buildings again, the worry was starting to set in again, after the rebuilding gears neared the end, Kingsley needed to clear the air, and to pacify the people’s fear.
So, they would have continued on with the building, and yet more buildings would have been happening, all around Kingsley King and his kingdom’s rotten end.
They were building yes. But they were running too, like, they were running on all cylinders boo, yes man, and then they would have started to be running low on labor plan, especially cheap laborer like this one, like me, and you too.
Yeah! That’s true, we are all stuck together here, and bundled up in the same old canoe, can you? And now look, the ship is even now sailing into view. Carrying much more of the same, as are the things to do. So, they had was to look all over, trying to find for themselves, some new laborers.
And you know, they were to look over there. Like, looking over their shoulders bare, and in looking they would have shuddered at what was to come up and over, and to come seeing the beholder, they were beholding the shouldering of all of the burdens, that of them carrying all of the burden, you know, the burden of the United Affairs of all of the squares and the wares and the tares fitting in, in there.
As well as the expensive fare which they would have been asked to bear, in order to pay for the upkeep and the care, to keep things running and humming and in keeping them always in forms top-tier.
And then they would have run headlong into miss fear, whether or not the weather was to be fair, they would surely be needing to confront the lady fear.
That was when they would have seen them. In looking over the shoulder again, that was when they were to have seen the beholder, and remembering that they were there, yes, way over yonder, no wonder.
Help was over there, they would have sworn not to swear, so that no sign would have had the time to get in into the other guy’s ear chime.
But it would have been because they'd already known, you know, they knew it all along that they were there, plenty and to spare, plenty of laborers willing to offer up theirs for hers, you know, offering up their labor to save her, or in return for a favor. Like.
For a pay-checker who gets to be the check her who plays dominoes down there on the corner stoned sometimes on the other side of the town. Down there where Decker lives with his wife, she who wears the plaited multi-colored multi-toned greyish from a distant handkerchief on her head, and who was to go aboard and boarded up the broad road and nothing else Hecker sword said.
So, the ships would have gotten sent sailing, like, sailing over on them there bawling and wailing, to do them in again. Or was it over you, and over me too? Could have been so you know? True, true. But no. not so, at least not yet.
They would have gone out again though, you bet, and waling yes, even though it was still hailing, but soon the hammer will be nailing, like, nailing away at the final clip as in the Lars cough in the crooks of the army generals grip, generally speaking.
His friend would have been weeping, but he was there and peeping, peeping on in. and in peeping in, he would have gotten to see them in there. All of them.
Lies were lying there somewhere ably, wears long sleeve tunic preferably, but as for Lars? And the way how they are? They were not there, they want nothing more than something to eat and meager clothes to wear, nothing more, and nothing less.
And yet no more than the more offerings of offers offered up to them, and more of their Sunday best, like, like a job to have them go out and to pass the test and what for?
For nothing more than for having them working the car to keep the pothead engine a-boiling and the belly full but we hungry bulls, no longer gnawing at knowing the plot, that which the squares would have already got, but they, the circular worthless lot, they sure didn't know that.
And that said squared bearded haired sideshow would have gone and go, like, you know! Like, like go back on promises owe.
And bust all of the sure bets, -no? Bets which they, the Lars had set so far, -no? I thought it was so, that they did set those bets on the broad hoe. No? Not so?
But wasn’t that the way it was before? Like, like, before they would have up and go, gone down to the bank ways where they would have opted to go, to go pick up little money and come back quickly quick, they would have rowed.
Going further on down to the bar where they would go to class, and took to taking the test but could not pass, and therefore won't ever get to become a barrister’s boss, and gets to pay back the loss before they go. Still owing their arrival there on easy street.
Owing it to some finer things which they wanted to but never did eat, not by their sweet sweaty-browed brown teeth. Tooth toot tooting the horn as is the customary norm, for much too long a day.
But gone is coming. They sure don't know that humming, no, not yet. Go place a bet on it and win, sure thing.

Fast forward to the very next time when they would have gotten vexed enough, messed up and upsetting the settings enough, so as to burst out in a real sweat.
And that was not for the fact that they were not yet getting the money, you know, that money check which they were hoping and wanting to get. But sweat they would have yet.
Squares were sitting there, still somewhat comfy in the old rocking chair, and when upon the comfort which would have come undone, and disappeared, complaints would have been setting in scared.
Where comfort's end had first begun, threats would have been looming on. They would have complained of having been wronged.
“How is it?” They were to spit. How is it that we are being made to feel so uncomfortable in our very own land?” Came those questioning commands rolling off of some square tongue, but to no particular one.
And they were appalled at how that was to be, imagery up-loading the stare through to see, floating up through the eyeball booboo bumblebee.
Too many Larried brutes are out there on the quarries my youth. Got to do something to clear the ear in truth, and clean up the un-circulating abundance of spare, and banish them all out of here.
To go over there, a-pointy finger now appointed, anointed and pointing, showing some of them there where they need to go …where? There.
She’s still pointing, “I’m here showing them somewhere to go,” she would have said this on the slow, yes her, the anointed, she wanted us all to know you know, “like, out there,” she further swear, or over there, or anywhere else, anywhere other than for here. Not on our little piece of the square no. no more.

So, the call would have gone outer, after being sent out to all of the private members' doubters. And so came the scout which would have shouted at the shouter, and did it not come in unto them? Louder?
“Come,” he would have hummed, come convene yourselves in private chamber.
We’ve got important things here to do and remember, things we must discuss and ponder, and so came the working wonders of reverse windy rushing tongues of flaming fire, as was the desire.
But they did not plan on the wire, so, do you know what was about to happen next, Dyer? Why, Oh why her? Go up higher, got to find us new talents out there to hire. Or else, we are sure going to fry or, be left to go frying fly-fishing out there on the bayou.
Loud and quick was to come the outcry, crying for all of it.
The complexity perplexing the fair city. Minority inferiority complex was to be coming in next, crying tears came clear from all of the people vexed.
So heels were to be found busily turning treks, retracing long lost untraceable steps, and then, to pacify many, they would have called them backers, could not have been made much more whacker. Bet burse. Could not have been worse.
More work needs to be done before we go Zach-sacking them down, money in the purse. Go on now go, go zap-head them down to the ground grinding ground dead.

“We've still got this.” Wiseman would have said. He's known to have a bright crown in his head, quite unlike some of the other well-known brain dead. Not Wiseman though, one can never accuse him of such no.
He would have stepped up to the plate and stopped the dread, you know, like, like stop the dreaded fearmongering Ned. “Next time,” he would have said.
The next time when they leave this town, no one would have known. That was the clever hands of squares the way was to have shown, go, show them where to go. Wiseman, it is who would have said so.
So. Many Squares would have gone out there and created a problem there where afore-times fair, there would have been none, all Lars will be gone far away from there, by the time they are good and done. They won't be knowing what had hit upon them, but gone they'll be.
“To any other place than here by me.” So said he. And they would have done it all on their own free quit, quickly-quitting the willing bit.
But still, they are known to love a Jill, they sure do loves the jack-jobbing and a bill, and as for Will? Yes, William will be wanting one still. You know, the job thing, he will be juggling and hunting for one still. So, here’s the thing for us to do. In order to get their finger out of the stew.
Close up shop and make them watch and not get even so much as time to chat, let alone to think, wink-wink. No, that would be absurd, this is what I heard.
Believe here is the proper word, and since they don't ever nerd, nor will they ever brilliance with the sword. Just fix them up with a word.
Don't you ever think them, just drink them, let them drink and drive away the car from here, to go and get a job over there, by doing so you would have fixed it you know, so that some of them won’t even need to quit.
Since they would have been dead from drunk-driving sick, while on the way out of it, you know, like, while they are on the way going over to some other sphere spout, they would have fallen hard upon a blow-out, and be gone for good, no doubt. But as for this place right here? Oh no my dear. No more.

The discussion as it was to be remembered. Was highly geared at cruising speed, in the private chamber. Counting the words now behind one pointy finger. Just the way he likes it to be sometimes, like, like this time -for instance. Wiseman was to be taking his in-stance, taking his preferred better win stance.
"What, was, it, -tell me? What was that thing, which would have brought them here… pulling a puff on his pipe now, before blowing smokes in the air and continuing on with the questioning song… in the first place?" Mr. Wiseman would have asked this, straight-faced.
He was to come up with an answer before anyone else there proper. “A job!” Was what Mister Wiseman heard.
Turning the neck a quarter Bab, he was to lock faces up with the nerd. And Wiseman would have responded in sobs. Huh, oh. Right, right you are Mister Anserley. Right you are.
And what is that thing, which had kept them here for all of this time… pausing again to take other puffs on the source of his brown teeth grime. …instead of returning em backside back home to the places from whence at the first they came?
A job –they still have jobs –no! Good high-paying jobs? No?
You know Mister Anserley, they never did give you the respect properly, respect you so rightly deserve. You are quite a brilliant lad.
Brilliant indeed. Wow, take a nod, will you? Now, If Mister Anserley here is correct, and the records will show that he is, you bet.
What then is that thing, what is that thing which is most likely to have them on the next shipping plane language, or training programs sandwich, anything, anything at all going, going out of here again?
He would have pointed this question squarely at all of the rest of them there, and dearly. Ah, a job, I mean, not having a job? The answer was to come from the now backside of him since he was all the while a-turning, and seeking for some cohesive answering out of the rest of the other them, while he was speaking, but. Right, you are again, Anes.
Facing up to the now red-faced Ainsworth always-answering Anserley. My dear Chap. It seems as if you are the only one around here who did bother to put on the cap, putting it upon the gap. You know! The thinking kind of a cap.
It did seem to us as if no one else, none of the other dimwit belts, none of them seemed to have wanted in on it, they just weren't getting in on the answering game bit. But then came the butting. Talking talks about nothing.
But, but. Butted in the other natty nut.
Yes Sir, yes Mister Nattoo Smart.
But we, we have, I mean, they, don’t they have jobs? I mean. They do have jobs here, more jobs are here than there are people to fill them as a matter of fact. No?
Yes, yes Mister Smartass, sorry, I meant to say, Mister Nattoo Smart, but things do change from time to time, don’t they? Things do have a way of changing along the way, isn’t it so mister Smart? And that is where we, you know, people like us, that is where we come in.
You, me and all of you honorable gentlemen sitting here. We are who makes changes to happen around here. Isn't it so Mister Knowles?
Yes sir, right you are Mister Wiseman, yes sir.
Mister Knowles seemed to have known much more than the rest of them clowns crowning the town end, so far as it applied to his answering the Wiseman's questioning, and to his seemingly uppity upwardly altered confidence seasonings. And hence...

To be continued with, Ch. 12b. And Ep. #020, coming soon. Be on the lookout. Don't forget to subscribe to this website to be notified on posts and updates. and also, subscribe to the youtube channel, iis4inkytv, like and share it too, the youtube channel is at, I is 4 inky, where you get a visual perspective of the story and hear the author read it. look for vids such as this, thank you.   Go get the elk's books and others on my Amazon bookshelf.  

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“Power is not given, power is taken,” UN General Secretary, -Antonio Guterres. So, Go on, lie to me. Tell me you are worth saving. Again.


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