Jamming in the Jan can, the sixteenth and final chapter in the book of rules story, #ep026
Chapter sixteen: Jamming in the Jan can. welcome to the final chapter of the story as told in the book called, the sword, the word and the books of rules. thank you for the interest shown and be advised that this is not the end, we've only just begun. Book 2 is coming soon.
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Author page on Amazon, E Lloyd Kelly |
What have we gotter here? He would have queried over his beer.
Slurring the words off of the place where his tongue used to be heard.
But now, he just needs to do the peep, like, take a peep,
pee-peeping in the lavatory.
“Here,” he was to swear, “hold this for me,” it was his can of
beer. “I’ll be right back.” Said the man, and he was a lot gone, just like
“What’s taking him so long?” Asked the boy now still holding on
to the can, he can no longer hanger-on to this beer can watching plan.
So, he was to hop along to knock upon the Jan, or more like,
upon the door of the pan, and much, much more than. No score, no response came
back to dance at the banging dooring circumstance.
So, he would have push, push against the bush, sorry Flore, I
meant to say, upon the door, as you already know the score, people don’t bush
the bushit anymore.
So, he would have pushed the door and stepped right on in, into
what he thought was a forgotten sin, the dude had forgotten to hit the light,
before switching to do the pissing rite. Right?
He was wrong. He was falling through the darkness, headlong.
Down, down, down he’s going down.
But then came the sudden stop, lucky for him it was to splash,
and the breathing was to hit him once again, softer than the goner which he
thought had come upon him.
Now, he’s in the swim with lots of others there with him.
Yelling and shouting, and clawing away at getting to them up there where they
were seated, on the exalted place up above there where we did, …you kidding
kid? No. I’m not, this right here was the actual act.
We were way down low,
they were up top on the bow, upon the rainbow circle seating area above the
fighting flow.
They didn’t know though that there were yet other eyes looking
on, looking on and watching all of the happenings. Whose eyes were
they? Questions to find out and obey. …but.
That was what the rest of us was there doing, fighting our way
at getting it to them, to give to them what was coming. And still is coming, to
Speaking of coming, another person just came dropping in, did
you not hear that? He comes dropping in through the same crack, through the
very same dark hole which catapulted me in, I am now getting the feeling as if
that’s how we all got here. Leaving behind the fountain of beer.
Now here we are, again, in the den. All men. None of those others
with them, you know them, who? The woe! …the who? The woe. No, don’t do that to
them, or that thing will surely come up upon you, like the woe one which you
were about to spew, but no, we are talking about the women here.
Meanwhile, up there on the ballroom floor, the party is as
haughty as before. But every now and then, there goes another of the men, you
know them, they have to do their thing when they are out doing the other thing,
-the drinking sin thing.
The restroom door says gentlemen, so, that was where they would
go to do the go thing, you know, when a man has got to go he’s got to go.
So, one by one they would have gone and went, not to be
returning back again. Well, at least not yet, and not via the same way they
went, where they had gotten wet.
Something was cooking down there in the kitchen.
That would be the place where each man had fallen. Or more like,
somewhere there in the peripheries of those drop-in centers, was the kitchen.
An answer to the calling, from the higher up callers who was actually
down there lower than the ballroom shoulder. And getting cold and colder, well,
they were cold altogether.
Not only those who were down at the bottom and in the water, but
also those at the header. They were surely colder, yes, somewhere between each
ones’ shoulders. …how cold?
How cold? Grab a hold onto your soul, you are about to growl at
what is about to unfold.
Dinner time is almost here. But before we get there to the
Tupperware, some more happenings are about to happen down in the darkroom. Boom!
Boom. Does this spell doom? Oh! No. not yet. But.
When the smoke was cleared, and they could again look upward,
well, they could have always look but that didn’t mean that they were going to
be able to see what they were looking up there to see. Because.
The smoke from the boom blast had darkened the entire room fast,
well, it wasn’t even a room to speak of.
Just an oval-shaped dome looking somewhat like the belly of a
thermos home, which mercifully, it had a deep pool of water which was to serve
to break the fall of all who took the tumble in, and after.
Unawares though it might have been, they were in and could not
seem to be able to find a way out again, other than that which their “host,”
those who were sitting there on a platform several arms spans up above the
water post. They were made very aware, I’m sure. Up there where they were, and
looking on and over the goings-on downstairs.
But as for us, we were down there on the narrow ledge on which
we were now soaked, cold and scared stiff, hostages were we, standing there and
nursing our shaking knees, and begging for our lives properly.
But as for those knives. The knives are sharp and short, but the
night is long and is about to get longer.
There seemed to be a cut-off point in the age ranges of those
men there in the can. In the minds of those deranges, the selective selecting
Better that though, than the man, you know, as it pertains to the cutting
plan, but.
Ahead of them was the cut-off point at which a different fate
was to befall them.
The young, well, let’s say younger, the younger men, those who
would have been about twenty-five and under, under them, they were sent to one
side and all of the rest to another.
Then those young men would have ended up serving as waiters on
the ballroom floor for the night, starting mere moments after they would have
been initiated and given their queue to frights.
As for the others, the older men, they were to serve too and be
served, as well as be served up. “Shuts.”
Well, not all of them, or more like, not all parts of them, just
that part. They were all given a choice. “The jewels or your lives,” like, I
mean, the real jewels, like, the real family jewels.
Yeah! That kind of a jewel. And you know where that was going to
lead, don’t you?
They would have to duel, no man was going to be quick on the
gift, you know! When it comes to that kind of giving. The gift-given on the
shilling. No, not that willing Mister Gilling.
So, they were going to have to fight it out. But that battle
would have been won by not the other side but the one, you know him, the one
with the upper hand, as always, it is he who always win.
And he would have been sitting up there on the stand well-rested
and in command, and still holding on to the strength in his brand.
Each of the others was done wasted after the waterfall which he
would have tasted, and the time being so long on which he had was to stand,
standing there upon the plank, just hanging on to, or tumbling off of the
ledge, with a pledge to do as the man had said, just get me through and out of
this strange twist of fate, who would have been mere moments before, lying with him there in
But they, their hosts, they were twist-twisted men of wits. So,
as the negotiations go, they would have agreed to give up the garden seeds in
return for the man in need.
And then, into the kitchen, they would proceed, like, proceed to
go. And then came the other men, the younger ones under them.
It is now time to go take commands from the men in command and
go waiting tables all night long. What such delicate and exotic treats! The
women were delighted to eat?
Served up upon a blazing platter with bitter herbs, the meat, in
the presence of a hundred and seventy of each man’s chosen women folks, to eat,
to begin with.
Those were the spouses of the mutilated dimwits.
At the end of the evening though, half of those women would have
remained to go because, every time one of those women would wince, grimace or
gasp at the reveal of what was the contents of the meal, she would have been
eliminated by the method of choice.
Leaving there the many potfuls of rice,
without them even getting to taste a bite.
Therefore, only the bravest, coldest or most talented actors
amongst the women there, was to remain atop the stain at the end of the day,
not just that night but the day, as it was to be from that day on. What do we
do now, with them, with those women?
Note: Take your emotions out of the mix and just read the
writing scripts. That’s it. Now sit. As we go right back to doing it, to them.
But how was it going as it applies to those serving servers,
since they would have been privy to some knowledge greater and further?
While he was there walking the floor, and passing again by the
restroom door, the same one through which he had tumbled before.
But now, lucky for him, he’s not down there anymore, he is back
there walking the floor, doing the rounds. And serving.
One hand bearing up the silver platter, the other hand
pretending as if it wasn't proper, like, as if it wasn’t properly guarding the
family jewelry, while the knees wobble below the peas as they approach each
table where the high and mighty men, not so mighty again, were sitting there
above their knees.
Or more like trying hard at sitting atop the scars. But they
were men who also happened to have been the several fathers of several of those
shaky-kneed waiter friends.
They were sitting there, uncomfortable in the chair, waiting to
try and devour each man's most reluctant meals ever, since they must.
It was a part of the trust which they were made to sign as
surety to find another time walking atop their every man’s grave line, atop the
And hence preserve what was left of their tentative lives. But
how about husbanding the bandings with their wives? Is this the end of that
thrive? Go ask Clive, he might know.
But seriously though. Things are about to go down another give.
They, yes them. Those same twisted wits of men.
They are the very ones who are left up there to do the shake-up
and the give. And they are even now thinking up another place in which to live.
For all of the natives, of Kingsland world inclusive.
In the end, a new way of doing things was being attempted which
sees a lot of the things, the norms and customs of the distant to immediate
pass being turned on their heads, and fast.
Not some other world somewhere else, but this present Kingsland
world has done over and a lot better for everyone. A place where, when
negotiating he negotiate with the idea of: He who takes the knife to the apple,
it is he who gets to pick last, like, the bottom of the bottle.
So if you are that person, and you are sitting there on your
rrrass-tafar-I, and it is you who is sitting and making the rules, and who is
to decide each other man's portion, even in the pools.
You will then get to pick your piece of the apple pie after
everybody else. In so doing you are more likely to be fair in apportioning the
shares sharing.
This is to take effect after the jubilee, which will follow the
night of the family jewelry. And is to be that chance we have long waited for,
where everyone gets to start afresh and with no debt load to carry when we jump
on the lorry on the way over.
Imagine a new reality. Imagine a Kingsland world where men truly
live in peace and equity.
Where this man helps and encourages the other one to
become his best self, where what this one does well, will compliment what the
other one does well, for the ultimate good of all.
Where if this one hurts that
one feels the pain. Like a line from a well-known song said it very eloquently
again: how high will the sycamore grow? If you cut it down, you will never
know… (Adopted, not mine.) But.
That is to be the new mantra in this new place and phase, let’s
see the other extremes of the possibilities upon your face. Such as afore-times
we have never seen. Let alone taste.
Let those Sycamores grow, see what I mean? Instead of this man
grabbing the spoil from that one after he was done with killing him and all of
the possibilities which might have been lying dormant within him.
Or even those which he was in the process of working on at the
time when that other man fell down on him and kill him because he thought that
there is no good in him.
He is better off dead so he said, and so too is the world’s
equilibrium, it too will be better off without him, sleeping in peace in his
own permanent bed.
Not to mention the resources which he was sitting on over there
doing nothing with, it is sure going to be more valuable in this thieving man’s
possession sit than it was in his hands.
And the beat goes on. But, does it? Does it have to be that way?
Or is there another, another better way, my brothers?
The end
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Now, go get the book |
That's it, my friends, this is where the book 1 story called, the sword, the word and books of rules, comes to an end. however, don't put away your reading glasses yet though, we've got a delightful little bonus, (brawta) for you. You don't want to miss this.
To be continued with, a chapter from book two, a story called, Casting Shadow on the Tattooed trails. coming soon. And Ep. #027, coming soon. Be on the lookout. Don't forget to subscribe to this website to be notified on posts and updates. and also, subscribe to the youtube channel, iis4inkytv, like and share it too, the youtube channel is at, I is 4 inky, where you get a visual perspective of the story and hear the author read it. look for vids such as this, thank you. Go get the elk's books and others on my Amazon bookshelf.
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“Power is not given, power is taken,” UN General Secretary, -Antonio Guterres. So, Go on, lie to me. Tell me you are worth saving. Again.
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