How was the ball game played over there? Welcome to Ch. 14b. And Ep. #024
The story continues, as seen through the eyes of a blind fool with a wild imagination. Read on, and be sure to subscribe for more. Note, book two is coming soon. Here is episode #024
How was the ball game?
He was watching the ball
game on TV some time ago, a baseball game it was to show. It was a very close
match, and tension was running batch, like batch high.
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A very astute and capable
hitter was at the plate to bat, a loaded base ahead of him at that, if one
remembers well the thing to whack.
The pitcher, the pitcher
would have tried any and everything, just to get out of the inning with the least
if any damage at all done to him.
He would have thrown one ball after another,
but like, like straight, straight at the hitting hitter, or more like, straight
at his head, bitter.
Each time getting even
closer to hitting the person instead of striking and worsening, you know, like
worsening him out.
And each time the hitter
would have stared down the pitcher, while shaking his head in disapproval shown
to the spitter, or just to say, without actually saying it as it is known the
down-home way, “hey! Don't do that, try hit the ball, or more like, hit the
But one pitch after the
other would have inched in a little bit closer until. Until he would have
walked the guy, the hitter, and with one of the closest misses yet, you bet, or
was it a slight nick on the helmet. Anyway.
The hitter would have run hard and
fast, and down upon the pitcher, instead of him trying to get on the base
He would have run down on
the pitcher and whacked him hard over the head thick thicker, yeah! With his
helmet mister, all hell would have broken loose. And all because of that moose,
oh, look at him go.
The point one is trying
to get at here is this.
If the man is out there
telling you, in no uncertain ways, telling you that the things which you are
doing are not okay, not good at all, not for anybody, including you, and his
But you will not listen
because your head is tough. And the water is muddy. And the seas are rough.
Then, it might at some
point in time becomes really necessary for one to open up that tough thing a
bit, or at the very least, to test it and to see just how tough it really be.
Hence, if we are all
being told here to curb and control our actions because the earth is in a grave
crisis, or even a fraction, a fraction of an overpopulation crisis, and
everybody needs to play a part in tackling the problematic spoiled rice mix.
And he, that man over there, the one who has got the power and real threatening
stare, real powerful hardware too, to go mixing it in, and go about adding it
to the other wares.
And to go even further
along with the pair, and he, as you already know full well, he is the one who
can and does do anything he feels like doing, and everyone knows it too, you
even, as said.
He tells you in plain
language what you can, and what you cannot do, tell what you should do, as well
as what you should never do.
He is telling you
indirectly via the laws, the custom, and by way of the norms, all new and alien
are these to you and me, and we wonder why the guy is doing and saying these
things, please, and he lied. In order to hide his true shapely and colorful
But the very few of us
who are thinkers among you, we know, and tried hard at pointing it out to you
as we go, but you screw, and unscrew, the face even. And continue on, as usual,
you and the gal dem. Girls, girls everywhere.
And in the process of you
doing all of the dodos, those which you are long known to do too, you would
have threatened to undo all of the work which he, that man and his sons had
done, on the Earth’s equilibrium, and order. Or just on his survival customs.
On the borders.
How long do you think
it's going to be before he, yes him. That very man, or someone else with his
blessings and permissions, is going to whack you hard over the yard of your
very hard deadhead charred, and messing? Or worse, over your whole nation or
continent, nurse?
And especially if and
when you, and everyone else knows that he, not only can but that he will. Come
on. Come under it nuh man, you know, like. Under the stand.
Where you might begin
to know, and really starts to stand up firm upon your own toe, and on your two
hands, since feeling the feet don't seem to dweet for you. Don't do it my
youth. True? True.
But then again. One might
be tempted to fire back and ask of him: How is it that you have
come to love other people’s children so very much, and fast, and so much so
that you will give up on yours so that the other man's children may live and
last? And prosper, ever after?
So, he says to you -sign this pledge here
booboo, the pledge which I, you know.
I and my kinds have sat
down this time, think it up, and have done drawn it up for you, this is a
pledge for you to sign and agree to.
So that I may continue to control you, and
to tell you what to do, just like I have always done to you and to all others
like you.
And even without your
input, and without getting your permission nor even a contribution from anyone
to said plan, while we were there rendering it in, you know, this very plan.
And even when you did not even know what was going on while it was been done.
But now, I am giving it
to you, and I am telling you to agree with me, and sign this decree. To have no
baby pickney, my children, listen to me. No more. Or one if there must be.
But not more than two,
certainly, not three? And you did agree and sign the petition decree. Because
as you can see. The earth is over p. As in, overpopulated. And as you already
know, some men are undervalued and low-rated.
And “we,” we must do something to
save the earth for the future, and for our children’s worth.
Who are those “we,” and
whose children are those to be? Now, here me if you can Bee.
You will have
neither of them, you know, those two children which you want so much to rent,
because, you've just signed their testament, the dump yard treatment for your
children’s feet mint, the same one of which he speaks? For whom was it meant?
To your descendants sent? No further arguments.
Did you even know though?
Did it ever occur to you that that is what men like him do, in order to follow
through on the generation extending view?
But as for you, what do
you do? You go right on out and do what the other man tells you to. So.
When he is there telling
you that this earth is already through with supporting me and you. It can
support only one. So to speak that man.
And if there is yet many
men standing thereupon, more than just that one, even. And they are men who
have all found a stance upon which to stand, on the overpopulation program.
they are, or has already been in there, and adding their piece of action to the
And that man is the one
who is there leading the planning of the plan. And he is among the few still
left there standing upon that stance.
How likely is the fan to take off with
that man and leave another one, out of all of the other ones?
And that would even be
after all of the rest is gone, you know, all of the excess ones as it would
have been so decided upon, they are all now gone, and leaving just those who
the earth can sustainably support.
And you turn your head
about to see that you are that, like, that one man remaining on. Like, on the
earth standing and strong? Wrong. Go sing another song.
That's it for today, come again tomorrow, and bring a friend.
To be continued with, Ch. 15. And Ep. #025, coming soon. Be on the lookout. Don't forget to subscribe to this website to be notified on posts and updates. and also, subscribe to the youtube channel, iis4inkytv, like and share it too, the youtube channel is at, I is 4 inky, where you get a visual perspective of the story and hear the author read it. look for vids such as this, thank you. Go get the elk's books and others on my Amazon bookshelf.
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